My, I mean OUR, play date went really well today. Again S and I had a really great time together. We gabbed the ENTIRE time. We hadn’t seen each other in over a month and we definitely caught up with each other. We never had any awkward moments or anything. We just have the same style about almost everything. She is a little more germ conscious than I am, but not to the extreme as some moms I’ve been with (no offense to anyone, I am probably in the wrong there). I can think of lots of little examples…she was saying on the way back from Wal-Mart how she drove her just asleep H around some more to make sure when she got her out of the car she didn’t wake up. We talked about us both liking books and how we had tons of them for the girls and how much they loved them, we talked about clothing deals we had gotten for them, not caring they came from Wal-Mart, we traded some food tips because we both felt like our girls ate the same thing every day, we talked about their nap and sleep schedule which is the about the same. There were just so many things that we have in common. She even got her hair cut like mine! She had mentioned that she liked it and had even said something about taking a picture of it last time. How cool is that? But I can tell she is different from me in the respect she is way more outgoing than I am. Especially after meeting her reserved husband this afternoon, I can tell she’s the “Scott” and he is me. It works out though because we’re the same, but different. I hope she feels the same way because I feel like I am babbling about my long lost twin and would feel pretty stupid if she didn’t think much of me. Anyway, the girls also played well. I mean, as much as 14 months old can play together. They were both well-behaved and played alongside one another quite well. If I were a SAHM (vs. WAHM) we would definitely be hanging out a lot more. I was gone a total of 2 1/2 hrs this afternoon so I really can’t make a habit of it, but I really am thinking of calling her to go to the zoo tomorrow afternoon since we’ll be out of town the rest of the week.
I am getting so irritated at the clutter in our house. It’s not that bad, but we have what Flylady would call Hotspots. We have this one bar stool that we never really use as a bar stool, but instead a coat rack. I told Scott today that we just need to get rid of it and then we can’t put anything there. We have too huge bookcase type things in Emma’s room that I would love to trash half of the stuff on there. I am not much for stuffed animals and Scott’s family thinks they’re the BEST present ever, so we have WAY too many of them collecting dust on the shelves. I really would like to donate most of them to a hospital or something. I mean, Emma has two Happy Easter bunnies that are EXACTLY the same except in different colors. It’s utter nonsense. The whole cabinet needs to be emptied and put back together. Emma’s toys is a whole other topic. She has SO many of them. I need to put them away in our closet and get a few out every day so it is like Christmas every day. I think she sees the whole mess and then just gets overwhelmed and then plays with none of it.
Scott said he’s going to talk to his corporal about putting in for a transfer tonight. I’m interested to see his reaction. He’s not the guy that would yay or nay it, but he’ll know whether it’s a good idea or not and how to go about it.