We ended up going home Friday afternoon. When Scott gets it in his mind to go home, we are out the door in a few hours. We are getting really good at this packing thing.
Saturday I went and got my hair cut. I really, really wanted to get it colored, but they didn’t have any appointments all weekend. I had originally been hesitant to do it, but after Scott insisted, I started to get excited about it. Oh well, I’ll save my money for next time. My hair cut is my extravagance. I pay $45 a pop, plus add a tip and all the “products” and I walk out with no less than a $70 bill every time. Scott about croaks every time but now I don’t trust my hair with anyone else. When my hair was straight, I would go anywhere. I remember getting a $3 cut when a salon opened it town. I also wanted to get my eyebrows done, but at $19, I couldn’t talk myself into it.
The pastor was really good this morning. You could tell the church was so excited about it, it was like it was Christmas morning or something. He is going to bring great things to the church. He was interesting to listen to, had an interesting topic and expected a response from the congregation. He starts at the end of next month. I know everyone can not wait.
I was so psyched I was going to get a laptop from work, but I just got word that it is slow and I would have to choose between my laptop and desktop. I was hoping for at least awhile I could have both and decide which I like, but it doesn’t sound like my manager has that in mind. Plus, if it’s slow, I don’t want it. Bummer.
Hi Amy! Just wanted to let you know that your site is working now. I have been able to finally view it with no problems all weekend. I was even able to post a test entry. This has been a very strange experience. Glad you had a great weekend with your family. Hope you all are over your virus and feeling better.