My parents house got 17″ of snow dumped on them. Us, only an hour down the interstate, got zip, nada, not a thing. Well, I certainly don’t count sleet as something exciting. Who knew we had “gone south” for the winter.
Archives for February 2004
Boy, I had no idea
Boy, I had no idea there would be so many questions for these ebay items. Measurements, shipping, etc. I guess that is a good sign people are looking at them.
Scott went and got his tag for his Jeep today. His property taxes were only $33! That’s compared to our car that’s 10 times that much. The sales tax on the car was a little more, but I’m glad to have it over with. I thought we were going to have to pay that on our income tax next year for some reason.
We are really busy at work but I’m really procrastinating. Working hard on one thing when I really should be putting my attention on another thing. Ugh! I hate testing!
Is it really bad when
Is it really bad when you become addicted to green bold numbers on the “Items I’m Selling” page?
I’ve gotten a couple responses
I’ve gotten a couple responses to my ebay stuff. No bids though. I keep hoping everyone bids like crazy right before it ends tomorrow evening.
I’ve got a second customer too! My best friend’s parents moved out of their house to go work at a youth home and have filled my friend’s garage with STUFF. They are planning to have a yard sale in April, but she said there is so much stuff, she wants me to try to sell what I can on ebay for them. Yay! I think I already need a storage space just for this stuff because she is bringing me the first CAR LOAD this Friday. Yikes!
I think if I ever really need some business after this, I’m going to put flyers throughout the apartments. I can’t even imagine how much stuff I could sell for people who are in between houses. Plus, they are right in the same apartment complex, so technically, they could still store it wherever it is!
Emma got her right top cuspid two days ago. The other one was about out yesterday. Those two will make 14 teeth!!
We don’t look anything alike
We don’t look anything alike
<img src = “”/>
I finally have my first
I finally have my first customer’s ebay items up for auction. Wanna <a href=”″>check them out</a>?
I’m welcome to any feedback to how to make them more attractive…of course without spending more money! It already took me $7.80 just to list all that stuff and include the gallery pics. Too bad it wasn’t Penny Gallery Day!
Here are links to the
Here are links to the albums that have the Jeep and bridesmaid dresses in them.
<a href=”″>First Album</a>
<a href=” “>Second Album</a>
We bought a Jeep today.
We bought a Jeep today. Scott just needed something to run around town in and ended up with a really nice vehicle. I think we got a steal at $2200. Scott is like a kid in a candy store now. He immediately cleaned the whole thing which thank goodness led to my car getting vacuumed out. He’s making mental lists of things he wants to do with it. It already has a 4 1/2″ lift kit on it and a 6 CD changer with an extra cartridge. Plus, the seats and headliner are in good condition. The paint is fairly new and the engine seems solid.
Emma had an awful time last night. She went to bed perfectly for Scott at 8 at my in-laws where we spent the night but when we went in the room at about 11 to go to sleep, she woke up and then tossed and turned in bed with us until about 2. She had a fever from her shots at the dr yesterday and it finally went away after we gave her some Motrin. She is just now taking a nap. She will be out for awhile I’m guessing.
Yesterday she went to the dr for her 15 month checkup. She is 32 1/4″ tall (90%), 22 lbs (48%) and everything is perfect according to the dr.
I went to Spartanburg to see my friends MH & MC who are each getting married this year. We tried on the dress for MC’s wedding and they were gorgeous. MH told us each we could pick any dress we wanted, but just had to keep the same color. We ended up picking the same dress! It is really pretty.
I took pictures of all this stuff and plan to post later tonight.