Topic of gay marriage in extended entry. I will be brief here and tell you I don’t agree with gay marriages and DON’T read it if you’re going to be mean to me! This is my journal and it’s the only place I really have to voice my true and honest opinion.
I keep avoiding posting here because I want to speak my mind about the recent publicity about gay marriages. I know what I believe and if you’ve been reading for any amount of time, you should know I’m very conservative and can guess what I think. I don’t agree with them. Someone brought the subject up on babycenter’s Nov. 2002 board and the topic had over 65 posts. People are dying to talk about this subject. Most of the posters expressed support of gay marriages. Most people who were against mentioned some type of religious reason of why they didn’t. OK, this is my thing. Yes, I totally believe the bible teaches against homosexuality. That statement in itself is the groundwork of what I believe on this entire subject. For most people, the argument stops there because they don’t even believe in the bible and everything it has to say, so my argument is thrown out the door from the beginning. Now let’s assume my reasoning continues. I believe marriages are marriages because God joins two people together, not the state. My husband and I made a covenant before God and others that we would be with each other forever. The part where we signed a marriage license entitles us to “stuff” and “rights” and the recognition by others that we are in fact married. In fact, even my ring only is a symbol of our marriage. It doesn’t make us less married when I take it off. In fact, we lost our marriage license and it really doesn’t bother me a bit. We are still married. So, basically my marriage is a true marriage because God has put us together, not the state. This statement was also argued by people on the board. They say a marriage is not religious at all, that it is all a legal thing. So, if I believe that God is what makes marriages and God is against homosexuality, I don’t believe God will recognize two people of the same sex as a marriage and therefore the legality of it is pointless because they’re not married in the first place. Now, to someone that God means nothing to, that the bible is a bunch of words and to someone who believes that the Constitution has nothing to do with God and Christianity, none of that made sense, matters or even is worth reading about. But to me, that is what I believe.
Now, the real argument from the board I am most concerned with is someone will say to me, that is fine and dandy what you believe. But that’s not my belief and a lot of others and the state should not get to decide whether we are really married by God or not and we should get the chance to at least be married by the state. The argument that this subject really boils down to is whether we believe that God exists in our legal system or not. Does One Nation Under God mean anything? What belief system/morals were the country’s laws decided upon? I believe that God is in and should be in our legal system and Christianity or not, I still believe that marriage is by God and if the country is going to decide to recognize God, they should also recognize that God is not going to recognize a homosexual marriage and so neither should the state. If I were to simply say at this point, nope, God has notta thing to do with the legal system. If I were to say the laws are completely void of God and what he would bless, sanctify, ignore, or otherwise is a non-issue, then it would be VERY EASY for me to agree that you know what, I have exactly no right to tell any person who they should love or marry and that the state should recognize it also.
Ok, so that reasoning was mainly for my purposes, no one else’s. I keep reading these posts and boards and the arguments make so much sense that it’s easy to buy into the arguments. I kind of needed to come back around and see what I really thought about this and why.
Thank you, Allie, for supporting my voice and and my opinion.