Have I mentioned I haven’t gotten nauseous much yet? It has been such a difference since last time so far. I’ll be 8 week tomorrow. Of course, I have plenty of time for it to start, but by my calculations, at most, I’ll have 4 weeks of being sick. Of course, let’s not plan on that!! I have been taking a Vitamin B6 every night, so maybe that is helping?? Friday is my second ultrasound. I’m excited to see the heartbeat! Hopefully all of my bloodwork came back normal.
I’m still doing a little ebaying. The last of my auctions just ended yesterday. That means lots of post-officing. The lady suggested to Scott last time that I should check out the online postage. I like that but why do I have to pay extra to print postage? I’m the one having to use my own paper and ink!! Like Scott said, I could build the cost into my shipping & handling but once I get that extra money, I don’t want to spend it on postage!
Scott still has not put in for his transfer. His Fst. Sergeant had a light-hearted conversation with him last Friday and flat out said if he put in for the transfer he wouldn’t get it and he would let him know when to do it. I don’t know, our lease runs out in less than 3 months and with the baby coming, I really want to be in something that is 3 bedroom and we definitely can not afford the 3 bedroom apartments here so that means we need to buy a house. Not to mention the tax breaks you get with the interest. So either we go home and buy a house or we stay here and buy a house. Just someone please let me know which we need to do!!