Ooo I’m so excited! I just got back from the dr and it was amazing how different the baby looked. We could see the head, arm and leg buds. We saw and heard the heartbeat. I can’t believe how different it made me feel about this now! We’re having another baby!!
Archives for April 2004
American Idol rocked last night…except
American Idol rocked last night…except of course when we took a little trip to the Jailhouse. That was a little, er, a lot painful. I think I disagreed with the judges on almost every performance. Here’s my rundown
George – I thought he was good. I mean, it wasn’t his best, but his voice is so sexy!
Fantasia – The best of the night, season, all 3 seasons. That was awesome.
LaToya – Excellent. Gave Fantasia a run for her money.
Diana – I didn’t enjoy at all. I thought she had too many mistakes
Jasmine – Blah
JPL – painful
John – good, but he’s no American Idol. sorry.
Jennifer – You know, she has a great voice, but I could SO see her standing on that cruise boat singing it. I’m surprised Simon didn’t say something about it being karokeish. Plus, I don’t like her attitude. She acts all nice when they say good things and then if she’s in the bottom 3 and thinks she’s going home, all she can do is roll her eyes and look very NOT self-confident.
Ok, so Jenny is the spy. Who know? I thought it was a brunette. I don’t think she was insistent enough about Trish. Can you believe that girl? She was completely insane. I couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth. Jesse needs to wake up and hopefully Jenny’s ultimatum next week does the job. I just hate that she has someone’s spot. And for that matter, I think it sucks that Jenny is taking up someone else’s spot. I would be so mad if I had been on the show. And why was everyone gasping when he talked about waking up to a stranger all the time. Hello! I don’t want to further any stereotypes but the guy is a NFL football player, why would that surprise them?? I think so far I like Mandy Jaye. Jessica B. seems good, but maybe a little too young. And the cheerleader girl! Ack! She is a horror to watch. I want to close my ears when I hear her. If there wasn’t the spy going on this year, I think it would be pretty boring so far.
Oh, and the extended entry has a snapshot of Emma at Easter.
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Have I mentioned I haven’t
Have I mentioned I haven’t gotten nauseous much yet? It has been such a difference since last time so far. I’ll be 8 week tomorrow. Of course, I have plenty of time for it to start, but by my calculations, at most, I’ll have 4 weeks of being sick. Of course, let’s not plan on that!! I have been taking a Vitamin B6 every night, so maybe that is helping?? Friday is my second ultrasound. I’m excited to see the heartbeat! Hopefully all of my bloodwork came back normal.
I’m still doing a little ebaying. The last of my auctions just ended yesterday. That means lots of post-officing. The lady suggested to Scott last time that I should check out the online postage. I like that but why do I have to pay extra to print postage? I’m the one having to use my own paper and ink!! Like Scott said, I could build the cost into my shipping & handling but once I get that extra money, I don’t want to spend it on postage!
Scott still has not put in for his transfer. His Fst. Sergeant had a light-hearted conversation with him last Friday and flat out said if he put in for the transfer he wouldn’t get it and he would let him know when to do it. I don’t know, our lease runs out in less than 3 months and with the baby coming, I really want to be in something that is 3 bedroom and we definitely can not afford the 3 bedroom apartments here so that means we need to buy a house. Not to mention the tax breaks you get with the interest. So either we go home and buy a house or we stay here and buy a house. Just someone please let me know which we need to do!!
Have I mentioned I haven’t
Have I mentioned I haven’t gotten nauseous much yet? It has been such a difference since last time so far. I’ll be 8 week tomorrow. Of course, I have plenty of time for it to start, but by my calculations, at most, I’ll have 4 weeks of being sick. Of course, let’s not plan on that!! I have been taking a Vitamin B6 every night, so maybe that is helping?? Friday is my second ultrasound. I’m excited to see the heartbeat! Hopefully all of my bloodwork came back normal.
I’m still doing a little ebaying. The last of my auctions just ended yesterday. That means lots of post-officing. The lady suggested to Scott last time that I should check out the online postage. I like that but why do I have to pay extra to print postage? I’m the one having to use my own paper and ink!! Like Scott said, I could build the cost into my shipping & handling but once I get that extra money, I don’t want to spend it on postage!
Scott still has not put in for his transfer. His Fst. Sergeant had a light-hearted conversation with him last Friday and flat out said if he put in for the transfer he wouldn’t get it and he would let him know when to do it. I don’t know, our lease runs out in less than 3 months and with the baby coming, I really want to be in something that is 3 bedroom and we definitely can not afford the 3 bedroom apartments here so that means we need to buy a house. Not to mention the tax breaks you get with the interest. So either we go home and buy a house or we stay here and buy a house. Just someone please let me know which we need to do!!
Well, my plans changed for
Well, my plans changed for Easter weekend. My aunt and uncle ended up at my parent’s house for Easter eve night. My in-laws came up Saturday morning. We had lunch with Scott, did a little shopping and they drove me and Emma back to Fort Mill. We stayed with ILs and went to church up there. Emma was a doll in her dress. I put her hair up with a bow and it was so cute! Scott worked all weekend so he didn’t go.
I still haven’t been sick, only a little queasy sometimes in the afternoon. Smells are bothering me more than normal still. For some reason the smell of Emma’s green beans were abhorrent this afternoon.
I really have to admit here that I am so not into this pregnancy like I was with Emma. Someone asked me how far along I was on Sunday and I couldn’t remember. Is this just because I stay so busy with Emma? I don’t know. I sort of have this feeling like I don’t want the baby to steal my attention from Emma. Like we have Emma, what else could we need? I am sure as soon as the baby gets here my love will “grow” but right now Emma is filling it all up and I don’t know how I’ll cut in half for another one. Gosh, this sounds horrible, but I know others have felt this way. Scott doesn’t seem to understand. He gets the “doubling of heart” instead of “cutting in two of heart”. I just know I give a lot of attention to Emma and no matter what, I won’t be able to give the same level to her anymore and that makes me really sad. I don’t ever want to tell her to wait, that I’m having to care for another baby and I know that’s going to happen and I know that’s good for her but I just can’t stand the thought of her feeling slighted. Have I mentioned I’m already feeling weapy?
So the ebay guy and
So the ebay guy and I sort of made up. I gave him back all but $15 and we left each other positive feedback, so I guess we at least had a good resolution. THEN another guy left me negative feedback saying I had not emailed him or shipped the book. I had done both. He even told me in one of his first emails that his email server was having problems. AND he lives on the other side of the country and only waited 5 days before receiving Media Mail…what?? So it turns out the guy has no clue about ebay and withdraws his feedback. Oh well. I guess that’s not bad after over 100 transactions in the past month or two.
So, we went home this weekend. Nothing too exciting. Scott spent a lot of time at Dave’s house helping put down pergo in their living room and kitchen. I didn’t do a whole lot of anything but just hang around. I was VERY tired all weekend. Oh! I did go to a wedding a reception on Saturday that was very nice. And we did go to my friend Melissa’s engagement party Saturday night. It was a lot of fun but we didn’t get to stay long since we had to get up with Emma the next morning.
My nephew is staying the rest of the week with us since he has spring break and my BIL and SIL are going to see his parents. He’s been sleeping since 2 and it’s 4:30, so it’s fun so far :). He was in Florida all weekend with the school so I’m sure he needs to catch up on some sleep.
We thought of a boy’s name! Landon Scott! And I really like Riley for a girl’s name.
I think I’m going to
I think I’m going to have my first pregnancy breakdown. All afternoon I’ve been fighting with a guy on ebay. So my emotions are high today. Then, I was just watching Survivor and Rob told the other guy to take care of Amber and he’d take care of him and then he wiped a tear!! OMG! I’m going to cry! How sweet is he?