Oh my, where have I been people?? Certainly not on here to announce we’re having another GIRL!!
During the ultrasound, we had that are you sure, are you really, really sure type of attitude, but we’re getting really excited about having another girl. I’m so glad Emma will have a sister and of course we already have a lot of clothes. Since we have found out we of course have been tossing around names and thinking up nursery ideas. We are thinking maybe Riley for a name. It’s the only one we can agree on really. Except for Ashlyn. We both like that too. But they don’t really go together. And we’re thinking lots of pink for the nursery, something we swore up and down we wouldn’t have for a nursery before. I’m not sure what changed except maybe we see how ultra adorable Emma looks in pink. I had lost 1 lbs. since my last visit so my dr. gave me the good ‘ol diet speech. Do whatever you have to do to food so that you’ll eat more. We just need calories, calories, calories. So, I’m going to open up my pack of M&M’s right now. That’s LOTS of calories, right??
Emma has definitely learned to call me Momma now. She was yelling for me at the top of her lungs in Party City today. Scott was holding her in a different aisle while I was looking for plates for the baby shower Thursday night. She was SO loud but I couldn’t help but love hearing her call for me. She yells for Scott by “Da-Da”. And she calls our dog Mattie “Maaahhh” It’s so funny, most of her words come out like she’s singing.
No word on the transfer still but Scott asked off for the day before we move. He told his Fst. Sgt. why and he let him have the days off so he KNOWS we’re buying a house and moving in 2 1/2 weeks.
Speaking of which, we still have not packed a thing. My sister keeps bugging me about it almost every day. She even begged me to at least pack up Emma’s unused stuffed animals so she would just feel better knowing SOMETHING was in a box. I think in my head I’m just waiting to get that final word on the transfer before I do anything. But the reality is we’re probably moving either way and if we don’t get the transfer, Scott will just have to commute until we can get the house sold again and moved back. I just can’t see backing out at this point. I know how that feels and I don’t want to do that to anyone else. Plus, it’s a breach of contract and they can sue us. Details, details.
CONGRATULATIONS! I’m so happy for you! I’m sure you’ll come up with a fabulous name for Baby Sister. We finally decided on our impending arrival’s name. We’ve picked out Duncan Cole as his name. As soon as we decided I thought, “Yep, that’s his name all right!” I know you’ll feel that way about the name you choose for the little one!