I’m still battling this cold a little bit. Emma has some sort of diarrhea thingy going on. I promise her poo was rosy pink yesterday afternoon. It was THE weirdest thing I’ve seen come out of her yet. She won’t eat much either. I mean, she gets by with a couple bites at each meal and those were coaxed into getting. Not sure what is going on there. She doesn’t have a fever so I haven’t gotten that concerned yet.
Yesterday I ended up going into work and Emma stayed with Scott’s grandmother. She didn’t have a nap until I got her home and she fell asleep about 7. That is the longest she has ever gone without a nap. She slept until about 8:15 and didn’t go to sleep for the night until about 11. She can’t do that often, I was about to knock out myself. She is kinda crabby today on and off. MIL is coming to get her when she gets off at 1 so I’m hoping she falls asleep on the way to her house and gets a good nap in.
We are going to the beach on Monday. It keeps slipping my mind that we’re going. It’s like, oh, we’re going to the beach. For some reason it’s not a big deal to me. I guess I should be excited for Emma. MIL is going to take Emma with her when they go on Sunday. I was all for that so I don’t have to be in the car with Emma on a 3 1/2 hour drive. No thanks.
My mom and dad bought a house in Maryland where my side of the family lives. Dad is up there now remodeling it. Seems like he has gotten a lot done. We will probably go up and stay for a week in September. I am definitely not looking forward to that drive with Emma then. We are planning to get a DVD player for the car so she can watch the Wiggles when she gets cranky. I hope that does the trick.