I need to tell a few Emma stories.
We have been trying to potty train Emma. When she is at home, we put on her panties and try to get her to go. She’s been doing pretty good. We’ve had a few accidents but overall, she does well. Yesterday though she went poop in her panties (yeah, that’s when you know you’re a Mom and you can clean that up without throwing up). I told Mom and she said she watched a show recently that taught a potty training preschooler to do the “potty dance” when she had to go potty. So Mom leans down in front of Emma last night and says see Emma, this is what you do when you have to go potty. She had a long skirt on so she pulled it up and started moving her knees in and out singing, I gotta go potty. Mom stops and looks at Emma with a very bright, smiley face to get Emma’s reaction and Emma looks at her without missing a beat and says ‘mon, Grandma and turns around and heads to her room. It was THE funniest thing. She was like, OK, are you done doing the weird stuff, I want to play!
Then today Scott calls me and says that stop at a red light in the next town beside a grocery store. Emma starts hollering Emma’s neighbor. We have a man who’s like 80 that works in his yard constantly. Every once in a while, Scott and her go talk to him and Emma sees him occassionally out the bay windows at our dining room. Well, sure enough, Scott looks in the parking lot and there’s Fred walking into the store. Scott couldn’t believe it. I can’t either. How did she know that was him that far away??
The other day we were in Emma’s room playing and she “got on the phone”. I asked her who she was talking to and she put her finger up to her mouth and whispered, Shh, Emma phone. Meaning, be quiet, I’m trying to talk on the phone, Mommy!
She’s becoming quite a character.