Yesterday was probably the nicest day we’ve had as a family in a while. We were both of on MLK day and took our time getting ready. We left the house at about 11. The baby fell asleep on the way. We went to United Supply to get some rods for Emma’s curtains. Then went to Pier One. We headed to Jason’s Deli for lunch and it took forever but Emma was so well behaved. She never got out of her seat once and didn’t whine at all. We then went to TJ Maxx where she followed us around very nicely. She listened to all direction we gave her. The baby stayed asleep through this whole shopping trip. It was SO nice to shop with her asleep and have Emma mind us while we were out. I really miss shopping and am having so much fun decorating this living room. We came home after that and Emma took a nap, the baby took a nap. Scott watched a movie and I ironed Emma’s curtains and JUST LAYED AROUND. It was fabulous.