It’s snowing, it’s snowing. Well, not at the moment, but it did this morning. We have maybe an inch or so. We got out in it this morning after Scott got up from working last night. Emma made a few snow angels which were pretty cute. Both of the girls are currently taking a nap. It is heavenly since Scott has gone back to work and everyone else stuck in their house. My friend J is getting married today at 6 and IL’s are going to pick me up and go while SIL watches the girls. Should be interesting having her watch the baby. I should only be gone for 1.5 hr so I can’t imagine it would be that bad. I may eat my words later. When Scott kept the girls the other day when I was at work, it wasn’t too good because Lexi would not take the formula. She probably only ate 2 ounces for her last two bottles. Poor thing. She ate well when I got home. So, I’ve been pumping quite a bit. The way the schedule is working out though, I don’t think she should need to eat while I’m gone, maybe AS SOON AS I get back, but hopefully she can hold off. I don’t like having to pump and I don’t want to thaw out milk for a “maybe” feeding so I’m just going to tell her to make formula if she gets desperate. It is not a real pleasant time of day for her either in general so hopefully she won’t cry the whole time. I don’t know why I worry about these things so much…
I’m taking Emma to the circus next weekend. I told her and she says, JoJo’s Circus? I was like, no, not JoJo’s, just the regular circus. I wonder if she expects to see her there.
Yesterday Mom took Emma to her house. On the way, the stop at a stop sign and Emma says, P-O-T-S. Mom was thinking she was just babbling her letters and but looked over and saw her looking at the STOP sign. Hopefully the reading of the letters backwards has no indication of dyslexia since she doesn’t really understand yet that words go left to right.
Lexi has made no attempt at rolling over yet however she is trying to talk quite a bit still. She has been doing really well the past 3 nights. She’s still waking up 2-3 times a night but she has slept in her crib the entire night. It makes my nights so much better. I can actually get comfortable without worrying about her.
It is the 29th and I STILL do not have my W-2. That aggravates me so much. Scott got his in his box at work last night and the numbers were off from what I had calculated from his last December pay stub I had. I forgot to take out his retirement, etc for the taxable wages amount. Looks like we’re getting back another couple hundred we weren’t expecting. Yay! We have a list made of things we want to do with the money. Mostly it’s stuff around the house we want to improve or buy. Hopefully I’ve calculated it right because I’ll be disappointed if we can’t get the stuff we are now looking forward to getting.