Little Lexi has a cold. It seems to be all stuck in the back of her nose. Poor thing. She has been doing worse recently at night. She used to take a 6 hour stretch starting at about 8pm but now she is getting up again about 11-11:30. You know, just when I’m good and asleep. Maybe after she gets rid of the cold she will do better again.
Emma was up multiple times last night. I don’t know what was going on with her.
We are closing in our covered back porch and making a play room/sitting room type thing. It is off of our living room. Scott raised the floor to the living room level on Saturday. Today he is making a pair of stairs and I think he might try to put up one wall. Most of our tax money will be going to this project. I’m really excited to have more room and think we will end up using it a lot. It will be nice as a resale feature to be used as a sunroom or office or something.
Emma has been doing really well with potty training lately. Mom had her at the furniture store and she told her she had to go and held it until Mom got to the restroom. I’ve been putting panties on her while she is at home and she’s been really good at going when I ask her or sometimes she tells me. Yesterday MawMaw said she didn’t tell her she had to go and just went in her pull ups. I guess she has to get used to going at everyone’s house.