Lexi got us all sick this weekend in MD. There was beautiful snow on the ground the whole weekend. I wish it would snow just once here. Only if they could get the roads clear quickly, it would be great to see it around town. I just hate being holed up at home after any kind of snow.
Work is as slow as molasses. I’m practically begging for something to do. Tomorrow I’m going to a Christmas lunch at Cheesecake Factory in Charlotte. I only get there once every couple years but it is worth the wait!
Lexi broke part of my camera so I’m having to buy another one. I think I’m going to go for the Canon PowerShot A620. Seems a bit bulky but the reviews otherwise seem to claim it has what I’m looking for.
This weekend was whirlwind of emotions. The resulting argument kind of goes like we’re just friends, but friends lead to affairs, but neither of us want that, well just be careful and let me look over your shoulder just to make sure whatever you’re saying is truthful. OK, that made no sense but just had to get that out.
Scott is supposed to be bringing me Starbucks this evening. He needs to hurry. I’m hungry.
YAY for comments being back! Hope you had a great Christmas!