So the airbrushed tan caused some drama at work yesterday. Didn’t really think of it but apparently the thought of a girl airbrushing me while nude is a good thing to guys and the tan apparently looked good. I was so embarrassed I couldn’t even finish my Krispy Kreme doughnut at breakfast. I didn’t even say anything about it but the guys started asking me questions and like a doe-doe honestly answered. So yeah. Apparently a tan is a good thing, people. It’s still pretty dark even though it’s only supposed to last 5-7 days. Wondering if I need to get another one on Monday.
It actually snowed here yesterday morning. The neighbor’s roof was almost covered with a layer when I went to work. But it was short-lived and wasn’t even snowing once I got into NC on the way to work.
Scott is working the entire weekend and I really need to get my hair done and find shoes and he needs an outfit too. Not even to mention the house needs cleaned.