The past few days have been non-interesting. I did get off early Friday and went to Target with Mom and the girls. I still had several hours overtime for the week so it was nice not to worry about working. Although I did get a production call at 6 that night. I ended up cleaning Saturday because Friday night we rented The 40 year old Virgin. We got the unrated version and it was pretty crass but it was REALLY funny. My sister called me last night at 10:30 when she was watching it cracking up laughing. She could barely tell me the scene she was watching. Emma spent the night with MIL on Friday night and didn’t get home until 5 yesterday! So Lexi and I were outside a lot yesterday. It was almost 80 degrees I think. It was really warm. I cleaned while she napped. Heather came over and we watched Diary of an Mad Black Woman. I was really impressed. It was really good. So this morning I’m just getting ready to go to church.
I finished the book Created to be his Help Meet. It was a good book that I could read like 5 more times and just grasp everything. There was a lot of info in there! I still don’t know where I stand with one or two issues in there. But I’ve already tried to start making changes. Scott has noticed and he likes it. And I can tell his attitude about things already changing within one week when I have changed. I’m looking forward to trying to making more changes and see where it takes us!