I’ve been busy this week. NCAA brackets. That’s all I have to say. Actually, it’s not. The guys at work convinced me to create an online bracket system so they could keep track online. I’m obsessed with getting it up and running and not doing too bad actually. And I helped fill out a bracket at work and now I’m also obsessed with keeping up with the scores and my bracket, which I could do online if I could get it up and running.
Scott got his wisdom teeth out yesterday. He was HILARIOUS when I went back right after he got out. Just to give you a taste, here are some quotes:
To the nurse: Did you take advantage of me?
To the nurse: Can I get a conjugal visit?
To the dr: Can we have sex?
To me after I told him he was talking crazy: What is in your mind comes out of your mouth. That’s why you have to have a clear mind.
There’s some stuff I haven’t told anyone and don’t plan on it. Needless to say that was the buzz for yesterday.
I’m highly irritated that Kevin is not off of AI yet, surprised that Ace was in the bottom three and don’t care that Melissa went. Her turn was coming soon enough. And she forgot her lyrics for goodness sakes.