So Friday night’s food was possibly the best food I’ve had in my entire life. If you google Blue Restaurant, you’ll find it at the top. It was pretty expensive. We each got two salads and a meal. No dessert and no drinks and our bill was $91. Yeah. Can’t do that too often. My salad though was like something you saw on Food Network. It had pears soaked in something and poached (?), arugula with some sort of dressing drizzled on it. Gorgonzola cheese and carmalized walnuts around the edges. A little bit of everything on your fork and it was great. I’m not a huge fan of Gorgonzola cheese. I can handle a little bit and would have preferred a different one but I handled it when it was just a little. I had filet as my meal with risotto or something underneath it. It had carmalized onions and sweet peas in it. Yum. Scott had wild boar. I tasted it and it was pretty yummy. J&W had calamari as an appetizer and I even ate some of that. It was a really fun night out with them.
So Saturday I cleaned. yay. Emma spent the night with MIL Friday and stayed with them all day Saturday. Lexi and I stopped by a home show that mom had a booth at. It was pretty dead though. Saturday evening we stayed in while Scott worked on the deck. He got one set of stairs done. Today he’s supposed to finish up the other side.
Yesterday was the usual. Church, eating with parents, Lexi napping and the rest of us lounging at home and then church again.
So unfortunate that Grey’s was a rerun. I was still compelled to watch most of it. I recorded it and will probably pick up where I left off. That episode was very medicine-y.
I got swept up in Food Network Star reruns. I watched the first season of the show but hadn’t caught on yet to the first one. The first few episodes of this season were unbearable I couldn’t even watch. The one girl didn’t know how to filet a fish and Morimoto was about to burst an aneurism–not that I know how to do that but I expect people on there to. Anyway, I really like Guy, Nathan, Reggie and even Andy shows some promise. Beth is apt but boring, Evette’s food is not good enough (according to the judges), Carissa just seems not all together and on the border of unprofessional at times. Anyway, I may keep up with it during Desperate Housewives commercials.
Lexi has been so sweet lately. She keeps giving me kisses and saying “Maaa!” at the end and then every once in a while she gives hugs. It’s so sweet! She is beginning to talk. She calls me Momma very clearly and purposefully now. Things that she says are: Momma, bye-bye, no-no, uh-oh, Belle, Dora, backpack, Map, Mat (for Mattie), mah (for Emma), Dog, tea, shoe, shhh. I think that’s it.
Lexi finally has gotten some air when she jumps. She’s been trying for a few weeks now but usually ended up pivoting on one foot in a circle. But the past couple days I’ve noticed she actually has been getting both feet off the ground. And she also can get up steps pretty good now. Sometimes she can get up our front two steps without even holding onto anything. And yesterday! Dad was supposed to be watching Lexi run around Mom’s house. We heard her crying but Dad couldn’t find her. She was standing at the top of their steps crying to get down. Nice! Thanks Dad! She is pretty fast on her feet though. She’ll is always on the move.
Candie picked up Emma up Friday night and Candie told her to be quiet on the way home because she was on the phone. Emma replied, “God made my mouth so I can talk and I can talk anytime I want to.” Well, ok then. I honestly don’t know where she got that from!
The past two nights Emma has stayed in her bed the entire night and Lexi has slept through the night too. I told Emma remember you can ask angels to stay with you if you get scared. She asked me to pray for angels. So I did. The past two nights she has been completely fine while going to sleep. No begging me to stay in the room with her and she has stayed in bed. Well, alrighty.