I’m at work this morning. Feeling just kind of numbish. Don’t really want to be here, don’t really want to be at home working. Just don’t really want to work at all. Still.
Friday Scott got home. Honestly, it was rough getting back into the groove of things and really I don’t think we’re yet into it. Scott just handles the kids so differently than me sometimes and we butt heads. And his overall attitude just plain sucks sometimes. And it gets me in a bad attitude. And of course everything from Dec got brought up and it made it worse when I came into work this morning. So I’m just in an ugh mood really.
Saturday it rained almost all day. Emma had a birthday party in the afternoon. Scott took her while Lexi took her long afternoon nap. She’s down to one 3 hour nap in the afternoon now. After that, we took the kids to MIL and Scott and I went to the mall. I exchanged some things at the Loft which I need to exchange again and we stopped at Cheesecake Factory for dessert. Yummy. Sunday was spent at church and napping. It was pretty much an uneventful weekend that went by way too fast.
Good news is BIL is back in the States. SIL is gone to see him for a day or two. He should be home for good in about a week. Also in great news J&W are pregnant again.
Not into writing much more. Maybe I’ll be in a better mood later.