This weekend similar to how I predicted. Friday night just the 4 of us went out to eat. The girls were really good. Then we went to SIL’s house to see BIL. And Emma was spending the night with MIL so we dropped her off with them. Emma stayed with them until Saturday evening. Saturday I got my hair cut…more like styled differently. I didn’t really get much cut off the length. Then we went with C&D to a furniture store. THEN, Saturday night we had a cookout for BIL at our house. Scott and I loved having everyone over, especially with the new deck. It’s great! Sunday we went to church and I cleaned/did bills/did laundry. It was really quite a productive day.
Bad news on my project at work. Looks like it might get cut due to new technology coming out, for a lack of energy to explain the entire reason. Bummer because I will have absolutely nothing to do if this is over.
Bible study has been going really good. It really has hit me where I needed it most. I’m gaining a little insight into what happened and why and what to do about it. I just feel like it could not have come at a better time except maybe right before it! But who knows it, it may still have happened.
Tomorrow night I’m supposed to go out with my bf from school, M. I expect we’ll have a good time talking over dinner. I just wish our closeness we had once was still there. I just feel disconnected from her now, which is really sad.
So GA was really good last night! On the storylines…I love Denny! I hear he is getting a new heart in the finale of the season on 5/15. Which it’s going to kill me (no pun intended) because I think our cliffhanger will be whether Denny dies and also I hear it will be whether Meredith picks Finn or Derek. And hey, hey, hey how about McVet. Isn’t he great? I think Chris O’Donnell is doing a fine job fitting in with the GA vibe and although I don’t see anything long-term for them, I sure will enjoy it while it lasts. And they birthed a horse together. How sweet was that? I think they wanted to get it on right after that though. Apparently they did at his place even though they said they wouldn’t (what was that about) and did you see Derek? He was not so happy about that! And I totally did not catch the fact that it was Meredith on the phone with Derek at the beginning of the episode. I hated the scene at the end with Burke and Christina. Her face was contorted like she had gas. Not emotion. Just was weird and seemed out of character, which I think it was meant to be, but it didn’t go over well for me. What else? Loved the divorce attorney asking about divorces and Derek, says, Yes! No! I’m fine, thank you. As if he were turning down a cappucino. And people, I still do not like Callie. At all. This sounds bad, but I think it’s because she’s bigger than him. I mean, physically. And she’s so..demanding/overpowering. Like, if it was the cute red-head nurse coming up into Mer’s house to move back in, I would be thinking, aw, how cute. But no, I’m like that’s weird. And why are you looking at Izzie that way, woman? I’m just not a fan.
No scoop on AI except that Katharine and not Taylor is singing Black Horse and the Cherry Tree and Paris is singing Kiss by Prince, but possibly another version. I think there was more, but I can’t remember. If you haven’t checked out this blog, it’s great. Looks like they have more current spoilers up.