So Scott and I went to church last night while MIL watched the kids. There was a group Hope’s Call there to sing. They also presented Companion International which helps poor kids around the world. We ended up sponsoring one. He is a year older than Emma and we are calling him Alex although his name is four names long, two of which I can not pronounce. His first is Ariel although that might be confusing given the whole Disney Princess Ariel. His second name is Alexander and since Alex reminds me of Lexi, we just decided on Alex. Emma drew him like 4 pictures last night and I wrote a letter to him. We haven’t even gotten his address yet but I’m truly excited about it. It is like the girls’ big brother. So, if we get any updates, I’ll have to tell you about them.
Emma is off to school this morning. Scott had a meeting at the church. I am still in my robe. I could have slept until 9 or 9:30 easy this morning. I went to bed with a headache and nauseous last night. No, I’m not preggo.
So Desperate Housewives was INSANO last night. I’m not sure if Desperate is quite the word for all the junk that happened last night. It does make for some good drama to watch though.
And Grey’s Anatomy!! Ah, I love that show. So Derek is assuming a little too much about Meredith and although his assumptions about how many men she has slept with is correct, it seemed a little unfair seeing that she HADN’T slept with McVet. And is it just me or am I the only one surprised that they HADN’T slept together. OK, so maybe Derek had a right to assume that. Anyway, so I guess since next week starts the season finale they are leaving the Mer-Der thing “over with” for the season. Which didn’t they sort of do that last season finale when the wife-y showed up? Poor Izzie. Poor Denny. I don’t see good things happening for them at the season finale. I’m pretty sure he gets his heart but I can’t imagine he would make a full recovery by season finale end. So, he either dies or we don’t really get to see them together. Alex was awesome last night. I’m starting to like him more. I really liked Cristina “cheery”. She was much more pleasant to be around and I always like her dancing. But Burke seemed to take the whole falling asleep thing pretty hard. It must be that everything is coming to a head with him and putting up with her because he seemed pretty upset for just that.
What else is coming up? I’ve got bible study tonight, an orthodontist appt tomorrow to get my mold for the bottom retainer and probably will go into work on Thursday. I think that’s about it for the highlights of my week. Hopefully the gym will fit in there several times.