OMG! Grey’s Anatomy was SO crazy last night. I don’t even know where to begin!! Let’s take this by couple I suppose…
Der/Addison–Priceless when Addison realized her assumption that they were sleeping together was not true and that he was extremely jealous of McVet and still loved Mer!! And then her outburst being heard by the entire staff including Mer. Didn’t you love Mer going back and forth not sure where to go??
Der/Mer–You could have cut that tension in the elevator with a spoon. Apparently they say that scene used to have words and Patrick Dempsey wanted to cut them out. Good call, dude. That rocked. And Mer saying she still loved him to McVet and totally not talking about the dog! I loved it!
Cristina/Burke–O.M.G. Burke got shot. I literally gasped and threw my hand over my mouth when I saw Burke lying there shot. I’m thinking her and Burke get over their tiff after this. They can not let Burke die. I know they won’t and they can’t and they better not. And as one poster pointed out, how come Burke was not on the ground instead of the roof where helicopters normally land?
George/Callie–Lovin’ George telling Callie off and takin up for Mer. And I ALMOST started liking Callie when she showed Mer the x-rays. Still don’t like her with George, but sorta liked her as a person. Almost.
Denny/Izzie–Awww. I can’t stand it. I literally cried when Izzie told him why did you make me love you? And WHAT IS SHE THINKING! She cut. Denny’s. cord. Why would she do that. And now Burke is shot and what is going to happen to Denny? And why didn’t George make her stop? Why didn’t Denny have some sort of last minute change of mind and say hey, you’re fixing to kill me, stop it! Denny must not die and they must not make me wait 6 months to find out if he is alive or not.
Ugh! I am so glad the end is tonight and not next Sunday!