I officially am going to the AI concert on August 1!!! J, D, C, and Heather are all going with me. The seats are not as great as I had hoped. Stupid, stupid me cancelled the first set of tickets it reserved for me thinking there were better ones out there. I could have been two sections away on the side of the stage but now we’re in the section directly in front of the stage, but way back behind all the floor seats. But, we’re on row L so not too far back. I hope we can actually see something. I really hope we can have cameras there or else I’ll be buying a new cell phone. I realize how almost childish this is to actually be going to this concert. I will be in a sea of screaming girly teenagers but I’m looking for to it strangely. Does anyone know if the winner will be on the tour? I’ll be super disappointed if not.
Scott and I took the girls to KFC and Target. We were so stressed by the end. Almost laughing it was so much work. Lexi threw a FIT in KFC when I wouldn’t let her drink anymore of my Mountain Dew. Scott ended up having to take her out to the van and wait for Emma and I to finish eating. Then in Target she was doing fine until she found an empty cart which she really wanted to ride in but was broken. I kept trying to carry her away from it but she kept slithering out of my arms and going back. Scott finally pulled her away. She was super tired and went to bed soon after we got home. Emma stayed with Mom last night and I dropped Lexi off with her this morning. I think I’m going to meet them somewhere for lunch. So I have the house to myself right now and of course I want to clean. I know with our busy weekend I probably won’t have much of a chance.
Have I mentioned we are going to see Dora Live on Sunday?? I bought a ticket for Lexi so it should be interesting to see how it goes. I’m hoping she does into her “Dora zone” like she does when she watches the videos and stays still so I can enjoy it too instead of running around after her somewhere if she decides it’s not enough to entertain her.