I always seem to stay up late when Scott works. I think if he wasn’t such an early bird I would stay up later every night. With the kids down, I actually get things done. My laundry has been sitting in my bedroom floor since we returned from youth camp and I’ve gotten it all done just this afternoon and evening. That’s a load off my shoulders…lol…actually about 6 of them.
Tomorrow should prove to be a busy day. I’m supposed to attend a bridal shower tomorrow for a young (and pregnant) girl at our church. I feel for the two of them. Marriage is hard enough, but to start it with a baby soon after is even harder. So I’m going to try to support them if even it is in only a gift I’m giving them. I think any support they get from the church is good at this point.
And tomorrow is decorating day for VBS. Scott built me a fireplace. I’m lining the wall to make it look like a log cabin. I’m bringing in my rocking chair, sleeping bags, some coats, etc. And then I just need knick-knacks and to put some posters up. Hopefully if I get some help, I won’t have to be at the church for too long tomorrow. But I need to make some copies so who knows how long I’ll be there.
Since we have VBS starting Sunday night, I’m guessing we’ll have to do Father’s Day tomorrow night with one of our parents.
Somewhere in all that I need to actually clean my house. I straightened up most of it tonight but didn’t actually clean anything. And it needs it. I did light cleaning last week when we got home and I think the weekend before that it wasn’t much either. I don’t know, all I can tell you is it feels like it needs cleaned. I’m so tempted to get someone to come clean it. My mom has a new lady cleaning hers for $50 every two weeks. That’s another $100 a month but I’m thinking maybe I’ll just get her to come once or even just once a month to give it a good cleaning and then I can maintain. When we lived in our first house, I had a lady come every week (I think). She would do laundry while she was there and it would be sitting on my clean and made up bed folded very nicely. She cleaned out my fridge one time I think. She did baseboards and fans and all for only $30 a time. It was so wonderful. I think I should have her here for my birthday while we’re gone to the beach if nothing else. Maybe we’ll get the house cleaned and then the carpet cleaned while we’re gone. I think that’s a terrific idea.
My friend D is contemplating a breast augmentation in a few years. I’m contemplating getting one done with her. I thought I would never say that and I’m still hesitant about it. But I’ve been looking into it and thinking about it and I’m half-convinced to consider. The two things I’m concerned about are money and complications. Thousands of dollars on myself is hard to swallow. I really would rather put that towards land to buy or even paying off our van. And it would be my luck to get those awful complications that can happen. It’s yucky just thinking about it. I am quite different since breastfeeding two children. I’m down to a size A cup and saggy at that. I’m not terribly unhappy with them or myself but I did enjoy when I was breastfeeding and they were a bit fuller. The thing is, I would probably only want a big B and is it really worth all those thousands of dollars and risk of complications to go from an A to a B??? Well, I don’t know. But I do know we don’t have the money now and so I have some time to think about it.
Speaking of buying land…I pitched the idea of buying the two lots near us to my dad and having them keep one back until we are ready to build. He didn’t seem overenthused about it but I know my mom wants them to buy some land in Fort Mill to invest. I hope they do though because I’m not seeing any way for us to buy the land right now. I’ve kind of let the idea of re-doing Scott’s grandmother’s house go for now. I just feel like Scott should be the one to really be enthused about it since he’s the one doing all the work and I have yet to see him overly enthused about it. The last thing I want him to be is resentful towards me for pushing him to do it. But you know…I should tell him we’ll keep 5K of it back for my boobs. I’d bet he’d do it then. lol! I seriously don’t think I could look my in-laws in the face after getting that surgery. Especially if I made the money off of flipping MIL’s childhood home.
Well, what’s new with the kids? I haven’t written about them much…Lexi is getting her eye teeth in. I think that has kept her up at night a few times. She is saying Dora perfectly now. She calls me and Mom “ma”. She says “rock” when she’s in a rocking chair. She says “brush”. She says “nana” for banana. Juice, jump, book, bottle, wheee!. She holds one finger up on each hand when gets ready to slide and says two! She waits for you to count to 3 and say Go and then she slides. It’s pretty cute. She loves the sprinkler. We had a friend plant a bunch of plants in our yard recently and have been running the sprinkler. She gets in it and gets soaked every time. Emma is Emma. She loves doing puzzles which she is fantastic at. Really. She can (mostly) count to 20. She can say and write (mostly) all of her ABCs. She can spell her name. She can spell her name in sign language. I’ve been trying to teach her some of that. She thinks it’s great. She loves to paint. She loves Dora. She loves to read (or for me to read). She plays store. She pretends she’s Barbie. She pretends she’s Belle. She pretends she’s Dora. She loves to dress up and pretend. I hear her spouting out movie lines a lot. She loves to play kitchen. She’s still shy with strangers. She’s picky with her food. She doesn’t eat a lot and would rather drink milk or yogurt. She’s whiny. She loves someone to play with. She’s bossy in a nice kind of way. She’s lovable and tender-hearted. She’s growing into such a wonderful little girl. Just in the past week I’ve had someone tell me how well-behaved she was. At Scott’s Trooper of the Quarter ceremony and the Rainbow vaccuum demonstration guy. He was here for over 3 hours and she stayed with me in my lap or played quietly by herself while Lexi napped. She really was good. I feel like sometimes we’re hard on her but I think really it was necessary at times and I think it is paying off. My little Lexi though is quite the stubborn one. She’s into the arching of the back, laying on the floor tantrums right now. I feel like sometimes I’m going through the exact same thing with Emma but I know they are very different so we’ll see how that goes. Lexi is much less timid that Emma. She’s not afraid of much and has bruises to show for it. She seems to be less shy but more stuck to me if that makes any sense. She gets into Emma’s stuff constantly. We actually call her Swiper a lot. She wants whatever Emma is playing with usually. Emma hates that too. You’ll her “NOOO!!” and then either whining or crying. Or sometimes a Swiper, no swiping! Unfortunately that hasn’t really registered with Lexi yet although it would be great if it would start working. Lexi is much less of a picky eater than Emma. She eats about anything and wants to eat constantly. Some days, she’s snacking the entire day almost literally. Lexi’s my mommy’s girl though. Emma’s a mommy’s girl too but she can cuddle up to Daddy sometimes. But Lexi, no way, if I’m around, she won’t have anything but me and doesn’t even like it if I’m holding Emma and not her. Sometimes I feel bad for Emma. She seems to have to share me a lot more than Lexi does. I really need to try to do some things one on one with Emma.
Ugh, I think that’s enough for me tonight. My brain is getting close to empty and I’m sleepy!
Hey that’s cool about the land – ONE WAY or another I want someone I know to buy that land so I don’t have to worry about potential wacky neighbors. =)