I’m on countdown now to VBS starting tonight. I feel like I’m pretty prepared. We went to decorate yesterday which was a nightmare. Lexi ended up getting a fever right when we got there, or at least that’s when I noticed it. She would NOT let me put her down and go anywhere. Thank goodness Scott went with me and there was some other guys to help. It turned out pretty nice but it was pretty stressful. Especially with certain family members their giving out lots of ideas. Too many chiefs in the room for sure. So Lexi ended up taking a second nap when we left there and then went to bed as soon as we got home from eating at my parents yesterday evening for our Father’s Day thing. This morning Lexi slept in and Mom invited us to her church since Scott was sleeping from work so we didn’t go to Sunday School and went to service with them.
I left Emma over at MIL’s and brought Lexi and Scott home to sleep. Scott got in almost 2 hours late this morning from arresting a DUI at the last minute.
So I have lots of nervous energy for some reason. I have everything cut and paper-clipped and paper-clipped again and two baskets of stuff to take. I can’t seem to settle down enough to do anything productive. Seems like I start something and go on to something else and feel like I’m sort of running in circles. I really need to balance our checkbook and I really don’t want to. I need to clean our bathrooms and I really don’t want to. I did dust. And ate a brownie. And paper-clipped. I’ve done something.