Lexi has really been talking more lately. She still doesn’t say everything very clearly but it’s getting better and she seems to like phrases. Like the latest one is “That’s right”. The other night we were at my ILs and she was trying to say a word to tell me something that she saw in the closet and I finally understood her christmas tree phrase (more like smismus chee) and she said “That’s right”. But it’s with this cute southern twang. And she says stuff like
- Sowwy, Mommy.
- Mommy, Look!
- Wuv oo!
- Don’t know.
- Wha dat noise?
- Shh, baby seeping.
- Anoder one
- Hep me!–the other night I tried to take her from Scott to take her to bed and she said Hep me! Not sure who she was talking to but we cracked up.
And she’s started this snoring thing when she pretends she is asleep. She will do the dramatic breath-in with a little snort–shooo. It’s so cute.
Also I’ve realized she can be quite anal, for lack of a better word. She obviously enjoys schedules as she is almost like a clock when it comes to napping and eating. And I noticed when she eats she always fixes her stuff. Like she always has to put her drink back in the same spot. One time she got upset because I put the drink down on the right side of her plate when it had been on the left side of the plate. She fixed it and then kept on eating. And she insists she sit in her seat, even if it was just her seat for the day. When we were in Maryland, she cried when my cousin sat in “her” seat. It took us a few minutes to figure out what it was, but sure enough that’s what it was. And she’s pretty adamant about what belongs to whom. Even my drink and shoes and such. She labels everything. Daddy’s shoes. Mommy’s shoes. Mommy’s necklace. Emma’s blanket. My Dora. My Paci. My cup. etc. Anyway, it will be interesting to see how it plays out later in life.
And she ALWAYS has to have something in her hands. And she will even hold them for days. Literally. She has had this little Dora book and kitty I bought her at Target Tuesday night. She took them to bed with her and Scott tried to take it out of her hand while she was sleeping and she clamped down on them when she felt them leaving her hands. She took them to school today and still had them in her hands when she got back in the van.
But she is the one who always puts everyone in a good mood. As long as she is not hungry or tired, she is always in a good mood. She’s quite a character and makes everyone laugh. J&W are her Sunday School teachers and they always say they could squeeze her and they make her laugh.
She still has her paci and blankie which I have no idea how we’re going to get that paci from her. I tried taking it away about two weeks ago and it was not pretty. I have heard all the tricks but bottom line when she realizes it’s gone, it’s not going to be fun.
But she is my baby. She always makes me smile and I could squeeze her and kiss her until she couldn’t take it anymore.