I’m sick. Blah. Got whatever the girls had. Been coughing up, or trying to, my lungs and came down with a fever yesterday.
So Friday night the kids were at MIL’s and Scott was working and I stayed up until FOUR AM watching One Tree Hill DVDs.
Saturday we went through the pain of getting our family picture taken. Scott and I didn’t get up until noon. MIL apparently wasn’t going to bring the girls home so I had to load up all the girls stuff and plan to get them ready over at their house. But we get over there and Lexi is asleep. Nice. No one’s fault but frustrating all the same. Lexi woke up long enough to get her picture taken with red eyes and all. Oh well, it was a free sitting and we get a free 10×13 so really no loss.
Saturday afternoon C&D came over with E. He is finally starting to seem like a little baby boy. He smiles now and talks and even sits up in his Bumbo seat. He’s so cute.
Saturday night the girls and I went to Blockbuster and the grocery store and they spent most of the evening watching videos. Sunday Emma stayed the day over at SILs and I thought I was coming home to put Lexi down for a nap, but no, she never went to sleep until 6 and only slept an hour and then woke up extremely cranky. In the meantime, I had developed a fever and this horrible cough.
Today the kids are at school this morning, Scott’s sleeping off his last night of working nights. And right now I really just want to cough up this lung I’ve been trying to cough up for a couple days.