Lexi either has really bad allergies or the croup or something. I had to go get her at MILs Saturday morning after waking up at 11 after the concert the night before. She said she barely slept Friday night. So I decided not to take her to church but Emma REALLY wanted to go to church so I decided to drop her off at church and have ILs be responsible while I was not there. Lexi and I ended up going to the youth room and working on the podcast while she watched a movie on the big screen up there. (too bad the sound didn’t come out on it and i have to redo it AGAIN). So I pick up Emma after church and lo and behold it looks like she has pink eye. Yuck. Anyway, we stayed home the rest of the day save a trip to drop an overdue movie off at Blockbuster, a trip to get Emma some eye drops the dr had called in and a trip to Grandma’s to get Lexi’s Arial doll we had left over there. Lexi is coughing a good bit. I just realized I didn’t give her cough medicine, only Benadryl tonight. Maybe I should go give her some. But then there’s the whole paci issue. She may want it if she starts crying again. I’ll give her some time and then see. All this sickness means no school tomorrow even though work tomorrow for me. At least Scott is off the next two days.