Wow, why didn’t someone tell me to do this before! OK, so apparently Emma took the job into her own hands this afternoon while the 3 of us stand in the kitchen getting ready to go to Grandma’s house…
Emma puts her hands on her hips and takes a teacher-type voice Lexi! You don’t need that paci anymore. You’re a big girl. You need to throw it in the trash. Emma puts her hand out
Lexi leans over and spits her paci out into Emma’s hand. Emma walks to the trash and opens the lid and dangles the paci over it, looks at us and asks me in a much less authoritative voice if she should do it. Lexi shakes her head yes.
Me: Sure! throw it away.
Emma: OK!
Me, with crossed fingers, toes, arms and legs: OK, paci is all gone, let’s go to Grandma’s!
So we all head out the door without a peep from Lexi. We’re walking through the garage and Emma crosses her arms and says No more paci! So of course Copy Cat crosses her arms and says No more paci! We get in the van and Emma says Lexi, you want your paci? Lexi shakes her head yes and Emma says, Well, I threw it away!
She asked a couple more times for it including at bedtime and I told her Emma threw it away and it’s all gone and Lexi says, Ohhh… She seems sad and it seems to register. All I want to do is grab it out of the trash and give it to her but I stay strong and take her to bed without it. She currently is sleeping (well, actually coughing in bed right now) without it, so yay!