Scott’s off doing a side job today. Hoping to make some extra spending money for the Turkey trip. Apparently getting jewelry and rugs over there is a good thing.
Speaking of the Turkey trip, his trip is less than 2 weeks away. Sort of surreal. I am really excited for him. I can’t wait to hear what happens. He is going with a group he really gets along with and I just think they will be great together.
I am pretty tired today. I feel like I just need a nap. I’ve been going to bed late and having to get up with the girls through the night. And I can tell I had no nap on Sunday.
I think Scott might stay home with the girls and let me go to youth camp by myself in June. We just found out David Nasser is going to be the speaker again which is really cool. I’m getting really excited…one week with no husband or kids while they are all safely tucked away at home together. Woot!