After a very busy weekend cleaning and getting ready for being gone this week, I’m off tomorrow morning. I’ll be gone Monday through Friday and Scott and the girls will be holding down the fort here. I’m really, really excited to go and looking forward to my first vacation sans kids in 4 1/2 years. Yep, that’s right. So wish me luck and fun and safety and all that stuff.
Jaynee says
I’m going to recommend you get a new theme for your website.
1) The main link to go “home” doesn’t work and
2) your RSS feed link doesn’t work.
There are a couple other niggling little issues that I’ve had when I visit your site, and I think it’s a theme problem more than anything else. you’ve had this one long enough that there are TONS of new ones that you could pick from!
So I expect a new look once you get back from vacation!!!
Oh – and have fun! =)
Jaynee says
Oh yeah – another quirk – despite leaving a comment, your blog shows that NO COMMENTS have been left.
Definitely time to switch the theme…
Amy says
I know, I need to fix those things. But I really like my theme…I’ll see if there’s anything else I like out there. And it says No comments because I have to approve all the comments. I get SO many spam comments. How do you stop all those from posting?