This evening was a really good evening I suppose. It started off sort of bad. My SIL got taken to the ER with chest pains but they ruled out anything major but are sending her for a stress test in the morning. After that, the four of us stopped at McAllister’s Deli to eat. We actually don’t eat just the four of us at a sit-down restaurant very much. With Lexi’s uh, exuberance for life, we try not to put ourselves through that. But the minute we put her in her seat, she didn’t get down once and ate her salad with ranch dressing) the entire time. Even Emma at almost all her pb&j, chips and my turkey from my club sandwich. We sat on the patio outside. It was really nice outside and was just a really good time together. One of those times you are like, hey, I must be doing ok with my kids after all. There was a sweet couple that sat near us that must have been near Mom and Dad’s age. I think I heard them say they had a 28yo daughter as well. They seemed quite taken with the girls and we gave them a warm goodbye when we left. It was one of those moments you must think I might recognize them in heaven one day and say I knew there was something special about you.
Anyway, we met Heather here with some food. Lexi fell asleep with Scott and Emma in Emma’s bed which has never happened before. She barely moved when I put her in her crib. Heather and I watched episodes of Rob & Big which were clap your hands, cry tears, laugh really loud kind of funny while also watching So You Think You Can Dance. I said I wasn’t going to watch it and then I saw some of the dancing last night and I’m guessing I’ll be watching the rest of the season. There are some amazing dancers there this year. I belive Nigel is right when he says they will all put Benji to shame.
So L came today with the girls again. Apart from the house being a little bit of a disaster when she leaves, she does really well. Emma wasn’t as nearly as bossy as she was when she came Monday. Lexi did have some meltdowns but L really tried to solve the issue before I had to step in. And she did make quite an effort to answer all the cries for drink and food. They even got outside a little today on the swingset. I think it will work out well, especially the more they get to know and trust her. Lexi takes awhile but once she’s attached, she’s attached. Her preschool teacher and Sunday School teachers are like #1 in her book.
For now, onto find more themes…