This evening ended up being a big rearrangement of the girls rooms. Dad and Scott brought my old furniture over which required Emma’s room to be flipped around to include the desk I wasn’t expecting. I think Emma is still unsure of it. Scott actually found her crying silently after we put her to bed, which she never does, complaining we had left her alone. I think she’ll be fine tomorrow, just change is hard for her sometimes. Her room wasn’t “right” according to her. Lexi has yet to see her room differently which may freak her out. All of Mom’s moving has her out of sorts. Last night she pointed at Mom and said, “You’re house is a mess. You’re biigg trouble.” LOL
I went to the gym right after work. I haven’t been since the week before camp when I had gone like 5 times that week. It felt great. I burned 350 calories on the elliptical and then did some free weights and ab work. I really would like to lose 5 lbs and keep that off. I’ve gained a few (literally like 2) recently which is on top of a few I had gained last year and now I’m about 5 lbs over what I’d like to be. Sounds like nothing but now my pants are tighter than I’d like and I really don’t want to have to go out and buy new ones. I really would just like to lose 5 lbs and it sounds easy enough but getting it off and keeping it off are two different things. I’ve tried to eat less and I can make myself do that without too much issue but then I get really cranky. And I’ve been working out but supposedly to actually lose weight instead of sustaining, you have to work out 5-6 times a week. And that’s really hard for me to do. I have to make a concerted effort to make it a priority every single day to make time for it. Well, if anyone knows of a way to take off a few pounds easily, let me know.
Lexi fell asleep around 6:15 and has yet to wake up. I have a feeling she will wake up in just a little bit and be up late or be up way too early in the morning. Neither of which I’m looking forward to.
I really tried to spend as much time with Emma as I could after we got back from the gym. I really think she needed some Mommy time. She kept asking to do everything with me. So I have a few Emma stories to share.
What comes out of the sink, falls out when there’s no stopper and you stir it in a bowl with tools? Hopefully you’ve answered water. That was Emma’s clues for me tonight, one game we like to play. The next was What looks like a rainbow and is blue, pink, yellow and green? You wouldn’t know the answer because it’s our hammock in our back yard. Heather came over and even while we were in the back yard, she was stumped.
So I’ve mentioned Emma likes questions. Tonight’s interesting question was Why do trees have leaves? After trying to dodge the question to no avail, I finally give her the answer: Well, when we breathe in we breathe in something called oxygen. You can’t see it but it’s there. And when we breathe out, we breathe out carbon dioxide. The leaves on the trees give off oxygen even though you don’t see it. So we need leaves on trees so we can breathe.” Emma just says, “Oh.” No more questions after that answer. It’s amazing, sort of like she gets it and she really wanted to detailed answer. And I’m not sure that’s exactly why trees have leaves but I guess it was close enough.
So I’m thinking Emma’s getting really close to be ready to read. Today she says how do you spell Pochontas. She’s trying to sound it out and I ask her what she thinks it starts with. She says “P, I already wrote that down”. And sure enough she had on her paper. And then she says “Po” and I ask what letter she thinks is next and she says “O!”. She got tripped up on the “ch” and gave up after that but I’m thinking it’s a good sign that she is understanding that letters make up words and is actually trying to write them down.
And then, I was reading her a book tonight and the first word of a sentence in a paragraph was “As” and she says, “Who is A-say?” My girl was trying to read!
So I bought that book teach your child to read in 100 easy steps or something like that and I really think it’s time to go through it. Wow, what if she’s reading this summer. She still has a year before she starts school!!