Today was a blur. I had a hard time getting up this morning. Lexi woke me up. I think she may have slid out of Emma’s bed last night (they requested to sleep together last night..and tonight, in fact). Then the storms were so bad, I couldn’t go back to sleep and then it seemed like I was up every hour.
I worked consistently this morning and then after lunch we went to Mom’s house while our carpet got cleaned. The rest of the evening was spent at church. This week is VBS.
Both girls are in the 3-5 class. Lexi was NOT having it at first but apparently found someone to latch onto and then was fine. It killed me to walk by and see that scared/confused/someone help me look on her face and not go sit in the class with her the whole time. I’m not teaching this year. I’m the technical director whatever that means. Tonight all I did was hunt around for a DVD player and RCA jacks and then took pictures all night.
The good news is the girls were wiped out by the time we did that, went to the bank, post office and grocery store after that and came home. They ate a doughnut, put their jammies on and were asleep within 5 mintues, literally. So here I am. Scott is at work, I’m on my computer listening to Kelly Clarkson’s new CD and there is absolutely no furniture in the living room.