So I haven’t mentioned all the stuff going on at Scott’s job recently. They want him to take over the CRO job that is coming available at some point soon. That is the person who talks to the media when there is wreck and goes and talks to the schools and such. Apparently his supervisors think he’d be the best at it but also don’t want to lose his activity on the road. And if he does take it, it’s M-F 9-5 kind of job and then on-call after hours for the state with other CROs around the state. So that would really stink for my job. I wouldn’t have the help he provides, especially when I need to go into the office every so often. Either way, I think Scott is going to turn it down. He doesn’t want to go off the road yet.
In other news, someone else on his shift was given an unmarked car. Someone who doesn’t deserve it as much (even the guy admitted) but for some reason the supervisors felt like they had other plans for Scott and didn’t give it to him. It may have been the CRO position. Not sure yet. But Scott and the guy that got it are really good friends and they are fine with each other but that’s all the drama rolling around right now.