Emma got a pack of UNO cards from Wendy’s today. Pretty cool actually. But Emma decides she’s going to spread them out, face down and have me play memory with her. Well, that’s pretty creative, I thought. But wait, Emma, do we match on color or number? Emma insists color AND number. Well, Emma, that’s going to be pretty hard, there’s only one number per color. No, we have to match on both she still insists. Alrighty, I’ll play along. So we start turning cards over. I turn over a yellow 2 and green 2. Emma says Nope! They don’t match. A few rounds of that and she says, Man! No one’s ever going to win. Ha, I’m thinking, she’ll see this really won’t work, like her wise mother insists. Oh, but then, she turns over the wild card that has each color. And then guess what else she turns over? The other wild card that has each color. They match!, she screams and then singingly taunts, I got a ma-atch and yo-ou do-on’t. I’m winning and you don’t have anything! Yes, Emma is quite competitive. Ok, great. So we continue playing, and all I can think is man, this game is going to be a while