I’ve been begging Scott to write down or record all the stories he tells me from work. Some of them are funny, some sad, some shocking some just captivating. He HATES to write and even worse type though so has been reluctant. But I finally set him up with a blog of his own and we’ve agreed to do it together. He has written the first one but we plan to have him dictate the stories and I will type them up for him. I REALLY wanted him to video record them. He is a great storyteller and some of the stories of wrecks and DUIs are just plain easier to understand and in some case funnier if you can see him tell the story. But he WILL NOT let me do that. So the written word is all we’ve got. Well, and he’s going to be adding some of his pictures in the gallery I set up. I know there is quite an audience for police stories. I mean, just think of the success of the COPS show. I want him to do it for personal reasons of wanting to put a book together one day of his career.
So it’s just starting up and we’re still tweaking things, but here’s Scott’s police blog!