Completely unclimatic but the pageant director emailed me to say that Lexi is the ONLY competitor in her age group so I assume that means she wins by default and will be going to state. I don’t think I’m going to spend the money on getting her hair done this time.
In other really bad news, Emma is actually up a class than we thought and NO ONE can walk with her on stage. She’s kind freaking out about it and so am I. Emma is extremely shy and I was thinking this would be ok because I would be with her. If she freaks out, then I can just pick her up and walk her the rest of the way. I’m considering not sending the money in and cancelling her spot so no one has to push her on stage or pick her up from a shaking, crying heap on stage. You never know though, Emma can be quite the entertainer at times (see previous post on HSM2 remix) and might do well. I hate decision making!