So next Saturday I’ve entered my girls into a local pageant. Their cousin was in it last year so we sort of know what to expect. It’s very, very low-key. Probably less than 100 people in the audience. Probably 20 people in the whole pageant. It’s done in the gym of a local elementary school. No makeup is allowed and the dresses can even be Sunday School wear.
Why am I doing this you ask?
Well part of me thinks my girls are awfully cute and really hope they win. Part of me wants to do it for their confidence building. Neither of my girls are very good in large, new crowds and if they do this, I feel like that is a step in the right direction as far as getting in front of people. I know I was always terrified of getting in front of crowds and after 5 speeches in college, I was doing much better and now I don’t even turn red sometimes. And since this is such a low key pageant and not very expensive, I just want to see if they like it or not. Pageants ARE a good way to earn scholarship money and I’m all for that.
But ya’ll, those little pageant dresses get EXPENSIVE. As in one dress can be up to $750 when you get to the fancy stuff. INSANE. I went to a local boutique and they had Buy 1 Get TWO free and bought them matching pink silk dresses. Lexi really did like the pink dress though once I showed it to her so I’ve borrowed my niece’s blue dress from last year and she seems into after my SIL pointed out that she’d look like Cinderella. Why I even asked the two year old which dress she was going to wear, I don’t know. I mean, really. I should have just said, put this on! two minutes before going on stage.
I am going to have their hair done by a lady in my church. Emma looked so cute when she did it for C’s wedding and Lexi has never had her hair curled in any way so I’m very curious as to how it will look. The blue dress has some detail on the back so I don’t want to leave it all down, but I also want to show off her long hair.
Yes, I know I could be one of those moms.
I’m very concerned that the pageant starts at 3pm, the exact time Lexi starts having a breakdown every day and refuses to take a nap.
So I’m thinking both girls can go either way with this. They will get out on stage and be so proud of their outfits and hair and have a big smile on their face and wave to people in the crowd. OR, Emma will have a complete shy moment and hide her head in my side on stage, possibly with tears in her eyes and Lexi will be crying about her dress she has on, rip out any hair bow she has in her hair, and then I’ll have to carry her around the stage, completely defeating the purpose.
Let’s hope it’s the smiley, wavy stuff.