Is that the right thing to say on Labor Day? Happy Labor Day? It works I guess.
‘Member last night I said I was going to catch up on some sleep? That was around 9:30? I went to sleep right after that and didn’t wake up until 11:15 today!!! Woah, I haven’t slept that long probably in, well, 5 years. Needless to say, I didn’t get the house cleaned this morning as planned.
We went and got the girls and had lunch at his mom and dad’s house. Emma stayed over there to play with S and Lexi came home with us. I was cleaning up and Scott was supposed to sit with Lexi in the recliner to put her to sleep for a nap but this is how I found him after coming out of the bedroom:
Scott asleep with two of Lexi’s blankies but no Lexi. Thanks, babe.
This is what I was working on in the bedroom this afternoon…
My closet looked like it had thrown up. I hadn’t put away any clothes fom the trip, my shoes were out, clean clothes were mixed in there I never put up before we left, my dry cleaning was still hanging, some clothes on hangers had fallen off, etc. But this is after I finished:
So Mom and Dad and Heather came over for dinner and swimming. Turns out the water was pretty cold and dirty though and only Lexi really ended up swimming. I think we’re closing it up for the summer tomorrow. Scott has his surgery on Wednesday and the girls start preschool tomorrow so it seems like a good time.
So I think that catches us up. Let me just say another note on this past weekend though. This weekend we really did have a great time. J&J were SO easy going and pretty much catered to anything we wanted to do and really it seemed to match up with what they wanted to do. And ya’ll, I don’t think the four of us have felt like a family more than this weekend. I felt it with me, Emma and Scott when we lived in Columbia. That “we’re on our own now” kind of feeling but since Lexi was born, we haven’t really had that. But this weekend was a first. It felt so great. I really felt like we were a family. I don’t know if I can explain that in any other way but just wanted to say it felt great and we will definitely be doing more vacations/outings without family in the future.