OK, I know before and after pictures are sometimes stretching the truth a little bit…I mean even I was tempted to pull out the 3 weeks post baby picture of me 15 lbs heavier to compare how I look now but I tried to find some pictures that actually made a decent comparison. After Scott snapped some decent full body pictures of me this weekend, I figured now was as good a time as any to post some before/after pictures.
The first picture is me last year at the beach but I didn’t weigh as much as I did when I started WW a few weeks ago. The second picture is back in June where the weight was closer but unfortunately the swimsuit was a little different so it’s not really apples/oranges kind of thing. You’ll notice the weight is pretty much in the belly. Some around the thighs.
And yes, I was slouching, scratching my nose and had no tan in the “before” pictures and all but posing for “after” pictures with a nice, end of summer tan but come on, you know these wouldn’t be any fun if I didn’t actually look better in the end….
So I show all that to, yes, say Go Me, but also to say Weight Watchers WORKS and once again 7 lbs was only 7 lbs (was down an extra pound this weekend) and maybe you couldn’t even see the need for me to lose any weight–yes, I’ve heard the “you’re going to blow away in the wind” comment more than I can count–but it was a goal that mattered to me and Weight Watchers was what helped and I highly recommend it to anyone! I do want to note I’ve also been working out for the past 2 years almost so it helped with a lot of the toning but the actual weight never came off until I did WW.
Awesome results!! I just started weight watchers, and it looks like I’m in a similar situation to you because some people would look at me now and say I don’t have any weight to lose but I can definitely stand to lose a few. How long did it take you to lose the weight? Were you doing points or points plus?