So tomorrow is the big surgery day. If you want to know how Scott got his collarbone broken a year ago…he’s posted the story on his blog.
I think we’ve got the bases covered for tomorrow. Medicine ordered, babysitters scheduled, I even straightened up the house–again–in case someone decides to come see about him tomorrow. That’s on a tip from him, knowing how all this Southern, Baptist culture works. I wouldn’t think anyone would drop by the day you have surgery, but I’m guessing at least a few will come so they can say Sunday they went to see Scott after his surgery on Wednesday. Sorry for the sarcasm and cynicism but sometimes I wonder about some people’s intentions. I know some people are truly concerned and want the person to know they care but sometimes you just need to make a phone call and let a person rest for goodness sakes. There, glad that’s out BEFORE anyone in particular decides to visit tomorrow.
I haven’t been nervous at all about the surgery up until now. The dr’s seem to be treating as if it’s done every day. I’m hoping that’s the case and there are no complications once they get in there to take a look at it. I’m a little nervous tonight. Not sure if I’ll be able to go to sleep well tonight even though I’ll probably need to be up by 6:45 in the morning, which is WAY early for me.
I’m not sure what I’m going to do for 2 hours while I’m there. Probably update Twitter incessantly–cause you know it’s a new online toy I’ll be playing with until I get tired of it and never visit again–maybe take a book to read. I really should take advantage of 2 hours of quiet time with no husbands, kids or computer. I need to think about this carefully. What would you do for two hours in a doctor’s office?