Scott ended up sleeping through the afternoon after my last post. His mom dropped by to pick up the girls so I woke him to see his mom. Apparently she was pretty upset (read sad, not mad) that she wasn’t at the surgery yesterday morning so I thought it best she see him. After she left, we both crawled into bed and took a 2 hour nap. That was wonderful.
I ordered pizza and we watched Tombstone in bed. It was sort of like a mini vacation actually. Scott’s pills had finally kicked in and we just relaxed.
The bad part is he continued to be nauseous through the evening, not able to keep down the pizza or some soup we tried. Everyone insists it’s the anesthesia so hopefully today will be better.
He slept well through the night except got up to take pills and was up with me this morning and even helped get Emma dress since I got a work call first thing.
He’s back in bed this morning, still feeling dizzy/nauseous when he walks around too much.
Overall, this has gone WAY better than I had thought. I told Scott last night I could tell people had prayed hard for us. Our patience and overall “niceness” factor with each other was almost outstanding. His pain was at a minimum from what I could tell and it just has been very calm and pleasant around here. So mark this as an answer to prayer.