The other day I commented on being “in a funk”. I specifically mentioned the need for “something to do”, not filling “full” and thinking part of the reason was my lack of bible study. Well, last night I had some time on my hands and decided to listen to the next DVD in Beth Moore’s Living By the Spirit bible study I’ve been plugging through honestly for almost a year.
It was about the fruit of the spirit goodness and kindness. Specifically goodness and goodness is kindness “spilling out” and “Goodness does”. And how God is good and one way we know He is good because of the good things He does. And then the worksheet says “Our ‘creation’ in Christ Jesus is also good because of the good we are called to do. God gives us something to do.” Then I made the notes “We are called to be a benefit to this earth” and “We’re after a feeling and the works He has for us has results.” And then also another point…”If you spend yourself…” (meaning doing good works that God has prepared for you to do) “your needs will be satisfied.”
This lesson was a word for me. In a time when I felt empty and bored and unfortunately was looking in all the wrong places. I love this verse:
Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
God has something for me to do even today. And it’s good works that will produce good things for someone AND it will fill my needs. Now, I just have to figure out what I’m supposed to be doing which gets me to the numero uno “something to do”–pray!