Today went pretty much as predicted. Except for the fact I didn’t clean last night, I cleaned this morning. I really had to force myself to though. I SO want to hire someone to do it. With all the let’s-save-money talk lately I can’t bring myself to make the call.
The IL’s stopped by unexpectedly to get Scott to plug their tire that went flat. So they stayed through lunch with us.
After that I headed over to the craft fair. It was such a great day to get out and do something like that. The barn it was held in was the perfect setting for all the pretty handmade items. I was really impressed with how "professional" it all looked and thought they all did a great job setting it up. I even picked up some new earrings (currently am wearing now — love them, Jen!) and some tea from Jaynee and Jen’s mom. Jaynee’s blankets and pictures were adorable in person. Check them all out on etsy. I’ll let you link to there from their sites. I just wish they had gotten that article in our paper, I know their traffic would have been up some more.
After that, we headed home. Lexi fell asleep before we got there so we let her sleep until it was time to go to the Progressive Dinner while we moved more pictures around the house. Loving the changes we made too. The living room and dining room look so much more "together".
The Progressive Dinner went really well. Well, except the part where two of the girls CAUGHT THEIR CLOTHES ON FIRE. Yep. They apparently sat them down on the bathroom counter to change from being in the pool and sat them on a burning candle unknowingly. They were at least smart enough to throw it all in the sink and turn the water on. I think a Progressive Dinner would be extra fun with all adults and will keep that in mind for something in the future.
For now, Scott is preparing the Sunday School lesson, Lexi is rolling around the living room floor, refusing to go to sleep and I’m printing stuff for Scott and well, blogging.
I’m so glad you like the earrings. Thanks for your purchase! =)
It was great to meet you in person. I never got a chance to tell you that your daughters are adorable.
Thank you and it was great to meet you as well! I wore the earrings again yesterday to church