Finally, Emma has made it to 40 lbs. And in the great state of South Carolina, that means she gets to use a regular seatbelt in a booster seat. And for the record, she’ll stay like that until she is at least 80 lbs or her legs fold over the edge of the seat–yes, I am a Trooper’s wife and we obey this law to these laws to the letter. Or number in this case. Scott WOULD NOT let her use the regular seatbelt until our scale said 40.0. So no more five point harness mess every single time she gets in and out of the car. It’s been almost five years coming and the way I figure it, I probably have buckled or unbuckled her at least 5,000 times if I’m being conservative. Great for me and she is SO excited about it. See that grin??
Scott put in her new booster seat last night. This morning Scott says she unbuckled herself when she got to the school parking lot but then insisted she "had to buckle up". Scott said when the teacher came to get her out, she made sure she had eye contact from her and unbuckled herself. She was so proud she had a big girl seat and could do it all herself! Aw!
We still put CootieGirl in a car seat even though she’s 45+ pounds. She doesn’t mind it, and it gives me a feeling of comfort to know she’s still safely confined in the car. I’ll probably keep her in that chair until she’s physically too big for it – but since it goes up to 100 lbs, I doubt that’ll happen any time soon.
She looks thrilled to be in her new seat! That is so cute!