Well, since I’m not even 30 yet, I’m guessing I should be able to come up with a decent list of things to do in the next 10 years and 9 months. I would do 30 before 30 but then I’m guessing it would be really hard to come up with 30 things to do in the next 9 months. So, the 40 things I would like to accomplish in 10 years and 9 months are:
- Successfully potty train both my children. Yes, they will be in middle and high school by the time I’m 40 and I’m really hoping we get that one down.
- Learn Flash. Still looking for a copy of the software without paying so much.
- Finish the scrapbook I started for me and Scott.
- Memorize a whole chapter of Scripture. Maybe more. I knew a girl that memorized Romans in high school.
- Get a boob job. If I get one, I should do it before I’m 40.
- Get my acne cleared up. It’s gotten a lot better but still more to go.
- Learn to send out birthday cards to family members.
- Have a quiet time every single day.
- Get some or all of my blog printed.
- Get really good at couponing.
- Menu plan every week.
- Remember to pay my bills that require actual checks on time.
- Really understand CSS.
- Go on another cruise.
- Learn how to keep plants alive.
- Learn how to make Scott’s grandmother’s chicken and dumplings.
- Go to Europe.
- Learn to sew a patch on a shirt.
- Sing by myself in public.
- Possibly play the piano in public again.
- Find a ministry I’m really, really passionate about.
- See my children come to know Christ.
- Pay off our van.
- Buy a vehicle for myself other than a van.
- Buy Scott a truck.
- Write a book of some sort.
- Take my vitamins every day.
- Floss my teeth every day.
- Get my teeth whitened.
- Speak another language.
- Get another diamond ring.
- Get all my digital pictures printed.
- Organize all my digital pictures.
- Understand Reba’s "The night the lights went out in Georgia" enough to explain it to someone else.
- Hire someone else to clean my house weekly.
- Learn how to deal with confrontation.
- Be smarter about saving for retirement.
- Have our savings/retirement accounts well on their way to retirement.
- Have regular backups of my computer
- Learn to listen and obey to what God tells me to do.
Thanks for playing along!!!
Great list! Lucky for you – more time than the rest of us!