That was a busy weekend.
Shopping with J – check. I managed not to buy a single thing somehow.
Craft show – not checked – I didn’t wake up until 10:30 Saturday and then had lunch with ILs and girls and then did some cursory cleaning.
Outing with youth – check. That was awesome. Mark Rodenhauser, former NFL player owns Cornerstone Ranch. He owns 9 horses which we all got to ride. His barns and sheds were decorated like an old main street. He had tomahawk throwing, roping, sawing, campfires…just about anything. He has a great sermon related to the relationship of a horse owner and horse being similar to the master/servant one we have with Christ.
Visited with J&J afterwards until after midnight – check.
Choir lunch – check.
Nap – check. Wasn’t expecting this one, but happily obliged.
Cici’s Pizza last night with the youth – check.
Major drama with the youth and leaders afterwards – check. I’m going to write more on this on a password protected post.
So now I feel like I need a weekend from my weekend.
No major plans for this week or weekend. The girls are out of school today. Scott will be gone Saturday to work the Clemson football game. I’m guessing this week we’ll just be taking it easy.