So tonight is one of those nights. Scott is at work and I have new code running for the first time at work. And it didn’t go well. And the kids are cranky and hungry and really want my attention because I’ve sat at this computer all day today. So I’m having to run back and forth between this computer and the girls. It’s gone sort of like..
run to the hall and change Lexi’s diaper that was getting ready to fall off
run back to the computer to check a chat/process
run back to my room to grab cream for Lexi and literally fight to put it on
run back to the computer to check a chat/process
run back to the kitchen to fix Cocoa Puffs for my hungry kids
run back to the computer to check a chat/process
go back in the living room to move Emma’s food tray to the recliner instead of the ottoman
run back to the computer to check a chat/process
run back to the living room because Emma and Lexi have spilled their Cocoa Puffs 3 feet across the floors while having a pillow fight
run back to the computer to check a chat/process
run back to the living room to dance with Emma during Dancing with the Stars because I promised her we would
run back to the computer to check a chat/process
run back to the living room to dance with Emma during Dancing with the Stars because I promised her we would
run back to the computer to check a chat/process
run back to the living room to dance with Emma during Dancing with the Stars because I promised her we would
run back to the computer to check a chat/process
And here I sit. The girls are playing by themselves right now and I’m still waiting on someone to do something for me. Some people think it would be so easy to work from home. I have to disagree. Totally.