So I made it to the gym today. Honestly, I didn’t like this 24 hour gym nearly as much as the Y. There were some plusses.
- It was a short walk in. This is situated in a shopping strip instead of the huge building and parking lot the Y has. It was nice that when I forgot something in my van (twice) all I had to do was take a couple steps out on the sidewalk.
- I was the only one in there. No one to distract me or compare myself to.
- It has TVs built into to every machine. I got to watch a decorating show and Hogan Knows Best uninterrupted. Big plus.
- It’s cheaper than the Y.
- It’s open 24-7.
But I don’t like…
- There is no childcare.
- I didn’t like the elliptical machines as well. There was no option for incline. Not as many metrics on there as the Precor ones at the Y.
- There are no classes.
- And the Y has a TON more other things for the family to do. But honestly, we never really used any of it, so I probably shouldn’t
- use that in my comparison.
I don’t know, it’s almost twice as much at the Y but it includes childcare. So I’m not really sure which way I’m going to. I have a free week trial so that gives me at least a little bit of time to decide.
Next time you go let me know and I’ll go with you. Not tonight, since Denis will be in Charlotte with CootieGirl, but maybe tomorrow night?
Another rule for the week is that I can only come when someone is there so I can only go M-F 9-8 this week.
I have free passes to my gym if you want to check it out. You probably won’t join since there’s not one in FM, but it’d be fun to work out together a couple of times! I haven’t done a cycle class in months; let’s go to one together! Email me your schedule next week and I’ll let you know when I’m free.