This week I really racked up on the deals because of the ECBs/Register Rewards I earned last week.
2 8 pack AA Energizer batteries
3 100 count Tylenol Rapid Release
$45.98 with no sale or coupon
$5.40 in store sales
$11 in store coupons
$12 manufacturers coupons
$15.68 in ECBs
My total taken out of my bank account: $2.97
ECBs printed out for next week: $18, plus a $10/$50 and free shipping for online
WOW. And I could have gotten more off if I had printed that 3rd Tylenol coupon. I thought they were over $10 so I only needed to buy 2 to get the $10 ECB but I had to buy 3 since it was only $9.99.
At Walgreens:
Venus Breeze Razor
Cetaphil face cleanser (I really NEEDED this)
$21.98 with no sale or coupon
$7 in store sales
$2 in manufacturers coupons
$10 in Register Rewards
My total taken out of my bank account: $4.03
RR printed out for next week: $4
Summary for the week: I got paid $15 to take home $67.96 worth of merchandise.
My question is this – with all this shopping at CVS and Walgreens and such, are these things you actually NEED, or things you are buying because you have coupons? I’ve been reading that mom-coupon website you recommended and it just seems that it’s all stuff that I don’t NEED.
My question is this – with all this shopping at CVS and Walgreens and such, are these things you actually NEED, or things you are buying because you have coupons? I’ve been reading that mom-coupon website you recommended and it just seems that it’s all stuff that I don’t NEED.
Oops – didn’t mean to hit submit twice. My bad.
Jaynee – This seems to be the first question everyone asks me. Heather was just asking me this today.
And the answer to your question is, it’s both. I’m buying it partly for the coupons and partly for things I need. I can’t remember what site it was but they said not to ask yourself “Would I normally buy this or do I need it right now?” ask yourself, “Would I use this if it was free or almost free?” So as for today, do I NEED 3 bottle of Tylenol and would I have NORMALLY bought the Rapid Release? No, but I will use it the next time I have a headache. And will probably have enough Tylenol for 3 years. lol. Actually, I’m planning to donate a bottle or two just because it’s free. In fact, I’ve done that with a few bags of groceries as well.
I think the charity aspect of this is fantastic. I would NEVER donate a bottle of $10 Tylenol but since the money didn’t come out of my pocket, I’m glad to. And someone needy gets expensive meds and I get the fun of coupon shopping as well as meeting some of my needs. is VERY big into this.
To get deals like these, you have to buy things you may not need at the moment but will eventually need or use.
I have turned down A LOT of coupons/deals because I will never use them and didn’t see that it’d be good for charity.
But like today, I really did need that Cetaphil face wash and had planned to go to Target to buy it but since I had RR from Walgreens and it was on sale there, I got it for free.
OK, that could have been a post in itself. Hope that clarifies though.